Five reasons why you should join a choir today

Are you a shower crooner with a secret desire to sing in in a group? Or perhaps you’d love to sing but were always told you don’t have a voice? Here are five reasons why you should join the Woolltones Community Choir today! We welcome all new members at all levels - no auditions!
1. Singing musically improves the way you hear music and broadens the type of music you listen to, while at the same time understanding how harmonies work to complement each other as well as improving ear training.
2. A proper singing session is a wonderful workout for the lungs. The actions of warming up, breathing deeply and opening the diaphragm all oxygenate the blood, creating more white blood cells, which strengthens the whole body.The breathing rate slows and deepens, releasing endorphins and increasing a profound sense of well-being.
3. Studies have shown that the mental health benefits of choral singing include enhanced brain function, strengthened feelings of togetherness, and the release of endorphins and oxytocin resulting in reduced stress and depression.
4. Brain health - the part of the brain that remembers lyrics has it's own function and the evocative memory of music can refresh your brain. Research suggests that listening to or singing songs can provide emotional and behavioural benefits for people - even those with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia.
5. Being part of a choir also gives you a sense of belonging knowing that there is a group of people within your community who are looking forward to seeing you and relying on you to be involved. A community where you belong and where you are needed to come along each week as each section of the choir - alto, soprano, tenor or bass - is a "team" and you are part of that team.
Source: Choir Player.